Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brunei in Brief

Selamat Datang!
Welcome to Brunei Darussalam.

Although we are the smallest state with a small population, but Brunei has one of the highest standards of living in the world thanks to size able deposits of oil and gas. 

Situated on the northern coast of Borneo in South-East Asia, Brunei is a heavily forested state where visitors will encounter the grandeur of Islamic architecture and royal tradition. Architectural treasures include the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, with its gleaming gold dome.

The country only gained independence in 1984, but has the world's oldest reigning monarchy and centuries of royal heritage. At the helm of the only remaining Malay Islamic monarchy in the world, the Sultan of Brunei comes from a family line that dates back over 600 years

The first sultan ascended the throne in 1405, founding a dynasty of which the current sultan, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, is the 29th ruler. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has been on the throne for 38 years and is one of the world's richest individuals.

courtesy of

Before you start scrolling down here are the 10 must do in Brunei Darussalam

Courtesy of BiG magazine and